Wednesday 7 October 2009

" bayon "


The temple complex at Angkor, Cambodia, is called Angkor Wat. In the early 12th century it was built for the king Suryavarman II as state temple and capital city. Beside, Angkor or the word 'nokor' which comes from the sanskrit word nagara meaning capital. Wat is the khmer word for temple.

The main reason contributed to the rise of Angkor is the strategic location. The Angkor is situated in the North of Tonle Sap Lake. It was protected by rugged thick forest and it is also were no developed roads. It would be the only way for intruders to bring in a large enough troop to fight against the Angkor. If the enemies intended to attack the Angkor, they have to sail up from the Mekong River.
To know how the khmer cultivate the rice, they used a lot of main power to harvest an animal. The animal used to carry the yield and after harvest, they need to store the yield and then need to use animal.

Furthermore, the contributed to the fall of Angkor which is the external threats. The Thai state of Ayuthaya in the Chaophaya river Basin to the west. To protect the empire, Angkor had to direct of its manpower to secure strong armed forces. How did the main temple survive? The building had been used as a buddha temple and often used by Hinduist and Buddhist. As time passing through, the building had been used as a buddha temple. A few temple in the area survived the destruction and

become part of theF new city.


  1. What is Bayon?

  • Bayon is a well know and richly decorated Khmer temple at Angkor in Cambodia. Bayon is also second big temple after Angkor Wat.

2. What is the Bayon famous for?

  • Bayon is famous cause of its beautiful decoration artistics status. Its many stone face on many tower.

3. Who was Chou Ta-Kuan?

  • Chou ta-Kuan was a chinese diplomat under the Temur Khan, empror Cheng Zong of Yuan.

4. Who were the Khmer's enemies?

  • Khmer enemies is Cham.

5. What is the main reason for the fall of the Khmer?

  • Year at 1431 Ayutthaya empire attack the Khmer empire and the Ayutthaya empire win in attack which Khmer empire. Moreover, the main reason is a lost of water control.

6. How did Angkor Wat survive?

  • Angkor Wat survive which glory the empire Khmer. Angkor Wat by collecting water from river for agriculture has well as draining and reserving water.


Bajau is a second largest indigenous people in sabah. Bajau have been a nomadic and we can found in Sabah (both eastern and westren). the located is a form Kuala Penyu to Tawau on the east and near Sulamu in west. In Semporna, some of people are boat nomadic and known as "Bajau Laut". If you want to go to Semporna, you can accessible from Tawau Airport by taking Malaysian Airlines or Air Asia from Kota Kinabalu or Kuala Lumpur and from Tawau Airport to Semporna town is about 100 kilometres.

They dwelling on the boat. there are 150,000 to 200,000 Bajau who are boat nomadic in Sabah. However, them are some Bajau people who build house and form village on the water then if not far away from land.

Almost bajau poeple are Sunni Muslim. They believe in Islam and Prophet Muhammad but they still practies animies by communiting spirit in certain ritual celebration such pray to the God Of The Sea, as known "Omboh Laut"

Sunday 13 September 2009

Let us share with you about modern art

Modern art refers to artistic works produced during the period extending roughly from the 1860s to the 1970s, and denotes the style and philosophy of the art produced during that era
Humans are often used in modern art. Although the people may appear very large or important, they are usually just vehicles used to convey a message to the audience.

Some times colour is no needed in art to set up a mood or express the inner feelings.
For example, in Segal’s Red Light, we can see a man walking alone right in front of an old truck. The man was not coloured at all. He seemed to be sauntering across a street at night. With a strong feeling of depression and sadness surrounds the man.

The man is not important but the emotion is. Isn't this modern art incredible? The idea of most of the art work uses the human’s body part to portray work that describes humans for their beauty and physique nevertheless, Landscapes is important too.

We can see the artist expressed out his view of the human body clearly with his art. In our opinion, the beauty of this modern art is unsurpassed though it can seems clear and simple. All in all, modern art is indeed a creative medium for one to express him or herself.

Sunday 30 August 2009

Browsing The Internet is so Fun

Surfing the internet involves searching the web for anything and everything that might be interesting while you are at home, school, university…...

Besides that, the Internet has proven to be a valuable channel for shopping among teenagers all over the world. According to a study done by Ipsos-Reid, when it comes to buying, the young people in America lead the way.

So, what are some of the items that are bought and sold?

The survey discovered a wide range of products are purchased online by youths . Not surprisingly, the most popular items that young Internet users buy online are music, clothing and books .

The "StudentWatch" report found that students select one online store over another based on low prices, best selection and personal knowledge of the brand sold. Fast delivery times and previous experience with the online store ranked fourth and fifth, respectively. Students in the survey report spending two more days online each month than they did last year. Sixty-two percent said they used online services every day.

When you have been satisfied with the copious amounts of blog you've viewed, and done with all your blogging, you will feel good. At that moment, you are satisfied with browsing on the internet. ^.^

1Malaysia remained a "slogan"

Some of my friends told me that we should avoid mention or calling the name “Altantu…” They say we might be ended-up in jail and so do lighting up candles. Even lawyers visiting those who were caught to know the actual situation to help them also being ended-up in the jails.

What other options the pakatan rakyat has to convey the truth to the rakyat? There is only 1 effective way for pakatan rakyat effectively convey the truth to that rakyat. I mean through by-election. Without by-election, the pakatan rakyat leaders have no way to tell the truth on what is actually happening.

Barisan Nasional might not field candidate in the Penanti by-election. They knew well that they might lose badly in the pakatan rakyat strong hold. Therefore, they said it is a waste of money in the by-election. In actual case, they don't want to lose anymore for the by-election. Then it will provide more opportunity for the pakatan rakyat leaders to tell the truth.

Even if they are not going to field their candidate, pakatan rakyat can always ask someone to fill in as an independent and the talks will still be ongoing to relay the truth to the rakyat. As such, political analysts predicted there would be a numbers of by-elections coming up.

Is it true? I don't know, but I think it is the right way. You waste a bit of money, but they can always get the money again from donation. But it is a way to keep the momentum &and continuously explaining to the rakyat on the grass root level what is actually happening, like the recent Perak Fiasco……

The 1 Malaysia failed badly and remained a "slogan", because it already split in state level, not to mention on country's level.

Sunday 16 August 2009

Please Smile When Answering the Phone

What does the message on our voice mail say about us? Our outgoing message maybe telling callers more than what we think, with this in mind we have to make good impression by practicing the following examples:

Above all, we have to go slow. Talk too fast, and callers will think we are stressed or don’t manage our time well, says Joyce Newman, president of the Newman Group, a speaker from training firm. A relaxed pace shows we are clam, and in control.

Next, ease up on the I’s. Tons of “I” statements imply you are self-centered. For instance, I will get there by 3 o’clock today. It would be better if we use the “you” statements. (“You have reached Downtown of Bintulu, Sarawak”) which show that we considering the others.

Subsequently, pump it up. A monotone voice can seem unfriendly. Sometimes, we too need to energize it. Stand up and smile while leaving your message; people can hear a smile, says Newman.

Again, keep it brief. A message longer than ten seconds shows that we are inconsiderate of people’s time, says Laurie Puhn, author of Instant Persuasion: How to Change Your Words to Change Your Life. Most callers don’t care why you can’t come to the phone; they just want to leave a message.

In conclusion, we hope our study on voice mail may help you guys make a different in future communication. You can take this as a advice, thanks for your visit to this blog!

Sunday 9 August 2009

Real Encounter With An Emo

Hello, greeting. I want to let you know about an event that changed my perspective toward Emo subculture few months ago. It is one of the most precious memories that my cousin brother and I share. I am thankful that I can remember it together. It is a reminder that Emo are not what they seem, actually they are not sad imitations of Goth, but they can be kind and friendly too, even they love covering one eye with fringe.

I used to live in Penang Island, and we were on our way home from school, one Friday afternoon. We decided to stop at a KFC restaurant because we need some fast food to celebrate my aunt’s birthday. When we were passing through a narrow street behind the restaurant’s building, I heard someone mumbled, in a deep-toned voice. Then I can see a schoolgirl who was wearing her hair long, sits in the corner alone. My curiosity brought me nearer to her and greeted her. “Oh,” she said. “I had been sleeping all morning before you guys woke me up.” and I just looked at her with disbelief.

The next thing I remember is the girl then asked me why am I looking her that way and whether I hate her or not. I was shocked and so I quickly apologized to her. I knew I should say something to make her feel better, so explained, “Maybe as you were walking past that person this morning and you say "hi," and they smiled back and waved back just to make you go away. On the contrary, I greeted you just now with absolute sincere because I wish to know why are you sitting here all alone? Are you Emo? ” in order to lure her into talk.

To my surprise, she admitted that she really is an Emo and she continued with her story. She said “My boyfriend dumped me, and so I cut myself last night. Every Emo does this. Believe me, cutting doesn’t hurt if you’re already crying. I simply just tired of life.”I think she is kind and friendly because she never hesitate to share her favourite Emo bands with me. Some of the example are Fall Out Boy, Taking Back Sunday, Escape the Fate. And she too informed me that having a myspace page is currently one of the latest non-fading emo fads. It is a cool page with a lot of members, take a lot of photos, have an emo/depressing/dark layout, and be on often.

On the whole, Emo sometimes hate their lives that they get depressed enjoys self harm. They too believe those feeling can provide them some enjoyment. Hmm, If you went back in time to the age of 17, would you try some Emo? Or would everything simply be remedial? And so, these are just my personal encounter with an Emo. Happy thinking!

Saturday 1 August 2009

The Number of Road Accidents, Casualties and Road Deaths by 1000 Population for Malaysia for Year 2000 to 2006.

The graph shows the fluctuations in the number of road accidents, casualties and road deaths by 1000 population for Malaysia for year 2000 to 2006.
The number of road accidents increased steadily from 10.8 cases in year 2000 to 12.8 cases in the year 2006. The highest number of the case was 12.8 in year 2004.

On top of that, the road casualties per 1000 population show a downward trend. The number decreased from 2.16 to 1.33 within the 6 years period. We would like to highlight the highest number of road casualties, which is 2.16 in year 2000; the lowest value is 1.33 in year 2006.

Besides that, the road deaths per 100 000 population shows decrement too. The number of fluctuates reduced from 25.9 in year 2009 to 24.0 in year 2002. Followed by was a slight incensement to 25.1 in year 2003. However, a downward trend again from 2003 to 2006 to reach its lowest number at 23.6 in year 2006.

We found that the number of road accidents, casualties and deaths by 1000 population for Malaysia didn’t altered much over the years, because the average number of road accidents is about 11.9 per 1000 population.

We predict that the number will still increase in the coming years due to some factors. For example, Malaysia is still a developing country. She lacks the technology automotive technique if compared to Japan and Russia. Next, it is not surprising that there have been many accidents involving buses. Many drivers are simply falling asleep easily, or they are just too tired be alert at all times.

Finally, we think Malaysia really need to improve the technology of automotive field, do that we can minimize the number of road accidents, casualties and road deaths in Malaysia. The government may set up more closed circuit television (CCTV) along the busy roads in big cities, such as Shah Alam because Selangor was marked the first rank in accident occurence among the 13 states of Malaysia.

Saturday 25 July 2009

hair-combing ceremony

Millions of people around the world are still practising many, many custom of their particular religion because traditional custom hold some meaning to them. For example in marriage, we would do whatever it takes to make sure the marriage will be everlasting. Our group would like to blog about ‘Hair-Combing Ceremony’ which is also an important part in the Chinese’s pre-wedding.

So how do they comb?
The night before the wedding, the bride and groom will bathe or shower with water infused with some pomegranate leaves at their respective house. (The Chinese believe that these leaves will ward off evil.) Afterwards, each of them will put on a set of new clothing and shoes and get ready with the hair-combing ceremony. Good fortune women will conduct this ceremony for the bride and groom in their respective homes.

The good fortune women will bless them aloud as they sit in front of an open window with a visible moon or in front of the mirror and their hair needs to be combed four times. The truth is, the act of combing the bride's hair is to symbolize a long and lasting marriage. As she comb the hair she will usually say the following:
一梳梳到尾,(First combing, together all your lives)
二梳百年好合,(Second combing, to bring love and respect till old age)
三梳子孙满堂,(Third combing, blessed with many children and grandchildren)
四梳白发齐眉。(Fourth combing, blessed with longevity.)

The first combing symbolize the marriage will be perfect and everlasting, from beginning till the end of marriage. The second combing symbolizes the bride and bridegroom will have long-live, harmonious relationship from now till old age. The third combing signifies that they will fill their home with many children and grand children. Fourth combing summaries good wealth and a long-lasting marriage.