Sunday 9 August 2009

Real Encounter With An Emo

Hello, greeting. I want to let you know about an event that changed my perspective toward Emo subculture few months ago. It is one of the most precious memories that my cousin brother and I share. I am thankful that I can remember it together. It is a reminder that Emo are not what they seem, actually they are not sad imitations of Goth, but they can be kind and friendly too, even they love covering one eye with fringe.

I used to live in Penang Island, and we were on our way home from school, one Friday afternoon. We decided to stop at a KFC restaurant because we need some fast food to celebrate my aunt’s birthday. When we were passing through a narrow street behind the restaurant’s building, I heard someone mumbled, in a deep-toned voice. Then I can see a schoolgirl who was wearing her hair long, sits in the corner alone. My curiosity brought me nearer to her and greeted her. “Oh,” she said. “I had been sleeping all morning before you guys woke me up.” and I just looked at her with disbelief.

The next thing I remember is the girl then asked me why am I looking her that way and whether I hate her or not. I was shocked and so I quickly apologized to her. I knew I should say something to make her feel better, so explained, “Maybe as you were walking past that person this morning and you say "hi," and they smiled back and waved back just to make you go away. On the contrary, I greeted you just now with absolute sincere because I wish to know why are you sitting here all alone? Are you Emo? ” in order to lure her into talk.

To my surprise, she admitted that she really is an Emo and she continued with her story. She said “My boyfriend dumped me, and so I cut myself last night. Every Emo does this. Believe me, cutting doesn’t hurt if you’re already crying. I simply just tired of life.”I think she is kind and friendly because she never hesitate to share her favourite Emo bands with me. Some of the example are Fall Out Boy, Taking Back Sunday, Escape the Fate. And she too informed me that having a myspace page is currently one of the latest non-fading emo fads. It is a cool page with a lot of members, take a lot of photos, have an emo/depressing/dark layout, and be on often.

On the whole, Emo sometimes hate their lives that they get depressed enjoys self harm. They too believe those feeling can provide them some enjoyment. Hmm, If you went back in time to the age of 17, would you try some Emo? Or would everything simply be remedial? And so, these are just my personal encounter with an Emo. Happy thinking!

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