Sunday 16 August 2009

Please Smile When Answering the Phone

What does the message on our voice mail say about us? Our outgoing message maybe telling callers more than what we think, with this in mind we have to make good impression by practicing the following examples:

Above all, we have to go slow. Talk too fast, and callers will think we are stressed or don’t manage our time well, says Joyce Newman, president of the Newman Group, a speaker from training firm. A relaxed pace shows we are clam, and in control.

Next, ease up on the I’s. Tons of “I” statements imply you are self-centered. For instance, I will get there by 3 o’clock today. It would be better if we use the “you” statements. (“You have reached Downtown of Bintulu, Sarawak”) which show that we considering the others.

Subsequently, pump it up. A monotone voice can seem unfriendly. Sometimes, we too need to energize it. Stand up and smile while leaving your message; people can hear a smile, says Newman.

Again, keep it brief. A message longer than ten seconds shows that we are inconsiderate of people’s time, says Laurie Puhn, author of Instant Persuasion: How to Change Your Words to Change Your Life. Most callers don’t care why you can’t come to the phone; they just want to leave a message.

In conclusion, we hope our study on voice mail may help you guys make a different in future communication. You can take this as a advice, thanks for your visit to this blog!

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